Our Local Team
Our support team are based at The Baptist Centre in Moira, Co. Down, home of the Irish Baptist College. We are responsible for all the administrative, pastoral care and support of our workers serving in Ireland and overseas.

Mervyn Scott
Mission Director
Mervyn was appointed as Mission Director at the Churches Council in May 2014 and began to serve on September 1st 2014. He is from Dublin, married to Karen (from Belfast) and they have four adult children. Serving our churches via the Missions Management Committee, Mervyn oversees the work of the Mission, provides pastoral care and support for our growing team of missionaries and promotes the Mission among the churches in the Association.

Joanne Dunstan
Personal Assistant
Joanne Dunstan serves as Personal Assistant to the Mission Director, handling all the routine daily administration. Joanne is married to Stephen and has responsibility for planning Deputation/Furlough for all our missionaries, organising the annual Workers Retreat in Ireland and generally assisting the Director in various ways. One key aspect of Joanne's role is sending out our weekly Prayer News which enables people all over the world to pray for our missionaries.