Cormac & Áine Walsh
North Dublin, Ireland
Cormac is from Kerry and Áine is from Northside Dublin. They married in 2013 while serving in a church plant in the West of Ireland. In 2015 they moved to Dublin and joined Jamestown Road Baptist Church with the goal of planting a church in Northside Dublin. JRBC sent them out to plant the church in January 2019 while continuing with other paid work, and in March 2022 they joined Baptist Missions full-time.
Cormac and Áine are gathering a group of mature and new believers together to form a church which speaks the gospel locally and demonstrates its power in their lives. North Dublin is a very-post Christian part of Ireland, which presents all kind of opportunities to proclaim Christ where he is not known.
Pray that people will find spiritual life in Christ, that the church would become established, and that this will be the first of many new churches in Northside Dublin bringing the gospel of Jesus to people who aren't hearing it yet.