Update from Beltrubet
Thank you for joining us for this special Week of Prayer as we press on “Proclaiming Christ & Planting Churchesâ€Â. God has been at work! There is much to encourage, but much more work to do! The Lord Jesus is building His Church, but we long to see greater blessing. We long to see more people being saved eternally, more churches being planted and the gospel permeating more communities in France, Ireland, Peru and Spain. Our prayer is, that the Lord will burden us all afresh to keep on praying to see more people saved and more churches planted, as more workers are raised up to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit†(Matthew 28v19) P.S. Feel free to use this booklet to pray for Baptist Missions throughout 2023 and if you would like regular updates, please subscribe via irishbaptistmissions.org/pray